A gallery of styles from
How do you define your taste in flowers?
These slideshows further illustrate the style categories we have introduced on the home page. I hope you find them helpful in defining the style you like best. It is, of course, possible to find your tastes in flowers are defined by two or more categories, or that a particular style enhances the theme of your event,  although not typically what you might choose. Please enjoy!    

                                                                                                             *Please note: The play button on these slideshows works a little differently than you may expect. If you do the normal fast left-click with your mouse, you will be taken to the album at the Picasa website. You can open all the albums and stay on this page if you instead press down and hold for 2 seconds, then release using the left button on the mouse.
Questions?                        (609) 298-1212
fun, whimsical, seasonal...
warm, rich, timeless...
quaint, quirky, unpretentious...
soft, feminine, textural...
sophisticated, classic, regal...
artistic, exuberant, urbane...
vibrant, lush, voluptuous...
simple, spare, stunning...
moody, mysterious, exotic...